Art done by me

Hello Bookworms! My name is Alette and I am just your average book nerd! I have a main blog linked in the sidebar where I ramble about random books and pop culture geekiness. I started this blog to ramble purely about historical fiction and history in general. I do hope you'll enjoy! 

I am first and foremost, a bookworm and an artist, equally. I love to art journal about the media I consume, which I will share on here. I also love to add different art pieces to my art shop on Redbubble. Here is the link if you'd like to see and support! artbyalette.redbubble.com

When I'm not reading books, creating art, or blogging about both (lol) I am hanging out with my family and baby pup Pippa! I also love to color while watching YouTube, decorating my room while listening to music, baking something yummy, or getting lost in Skyrim :)

Thanks for reading my blog, hope you enjoy! 

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Moonlight and the Pearler's Daughter Book Review -Historical Fiction-

 Hiya bookworms, today I am going to be reviewing a book that I won in a goodreads giveaway! It is called Moonlight and the Pearler's Da...